
Showing posts from February, 2023


THE NON-RUST PROPERTY OF BFRP REBAR Rebar made of BFRP is 100% noncorrosive, water-resistant, and will not rust over time. Despite that steel is being one of the most common and useful materials in the world, it always has one major flaw, it rusts and decreases the life cycle of the construction. In marine environments and places where deicing salts must come into contact with concrete, are examples of situations where reinforcing steel bars may be subjected to corrosion. The cost of repairing concrete infrastructure can reach billions of dollars a year due to steel rusting and steel reinforcement is no longer a viable option; effective solutions are now required. Corrosion does not only cause economic damage but also threatens people’s health and lives. Collapsed bridges, tunnels, and buildings, destroyed transport infrastructure of ports, and airfields, damaged chemical or nuclear facilities often lead to casualties. If you are a decision maker and know that there is a non-rusting al...

مواد البناء المنتجة من ألياف البازلت

تُعدّ الشركة العربية لألياف البازلت هي المنتج والمورّد الرئيسي في العالم العربي والشرق الأوسط لمواد البناء المنتجة من ألياف البازلت، والتي تستخرج بشكل رئيسي من الصخور البازلتية الموجودة في إمارة الفجيرة داخل الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وتتميّز هذه الألياف بقوّتها ومتانتها العالية التي تجعل منها خيارًا جيدًا للاستخدام في العديد من تطبيقات البناء، وحتّى في تطبيقات السيارات والعديد من الصناعات الأخرى. تمتاز مواد البناء التي تُنتج من ألياف البازلت من قِبل الشركة العربية لألياف البازلت بالعديد من الخصائص الفيزيائية، كالقوة والمتانة، ومقاومة الحرارة والأشعة فوق البنفسجية، ومقاومة الرطوبة، لتجعل منها منتجات ذات جودة عالية ومناسبة للاستخدام في العديد من تطبيقات البناء، وبالإضافة لما سبق، فإنّ مواد البناء المنتجة من ألياف البازلت تتمتّع بمجموعة من الخصائص الكيميائية تُضفي لها ميزات رائعة لتجعلها خيارًا رائعًا للاستخدام في قطاع البناء، ومنها: صديقة للبيئة، إذ تُنتج ألياف البازلت من مصادر طبيعية وفيرة، وهي الصخور البركانية، كما أنّ عملية إنتاج هذه الألياف لا تحتاج إلى الكثير من الطاقة التي تؤثر سل...


BASALT FIBER ADVANTAGES Basalt fiber is a mineral-based material, made of basalt rock that comes from deep under the Earth’s surface. Today, the application of Basalt fiber growing in different types of industrial field, this is due to many advantage that basalt fiber has, making it superior over any advantages of other fibers.Below we will mention the most important advantages for Basalt fiber, which make it the best type of fibers : NON-CORROSIVE Non-corrosive  advantage for Basalt Fiber , make it impervious to attacks from alkali, chemicals, or water. This advantage makes it resistant to attack by acids, salts, and other corrosive substances. NATURE FRIENDLY Basalt Fiber has a very  important  advantage, that all the world nowadays cares about it, that basalt fiber environmentally friendly, non-toxic and does not contain heavy metals. SUSTAINABLE Sustainable advantage in that mean, that their life span can exceed 100 years in many cases, unlike steel fiber which does n...


THE BFRP REBAR IS PERFECT FOR SWIMMING POOLS What makes Basalt fiber the best choice for concrete reinforcement in swimming pools? As you know, Steel is unsuitable for swimming pools where there is extensive and direct contact with water due to the fact that it always rusts with time. BFRP Rebar, on the other hand, is totally resistant to water and corrosion. In addition, In addition, Basalt fibers will not react with water or any of the components of concrete and have a very high chemical resistance. These characteristics make Basalt fiber the best choice for concrete reinforcement in swimming pools. This type of basalt fiber is produced by Arab Basalt Fiber Company. The first of its kind in the region, and the second largest in the world in terms of production capacity. Basalt Fiber Suppliers in UAE | Basalt Fiber Manufacturers Basalt Fiber Suppliers in UAE | Basalt Fiber Manufacturers We will be happy to provide seminars, presentations and more information about Basalt Fiber Reinfor...


  Basalt rebar does not corrode. It was specifically developed for harsh environments such as sea walls, tunnels, roads, and bridges. One of the major problems the construction industry faces today is corrosion of reinforcing steel,  which significantly affects the life and durability of concrete structures. Basalt fiber rebar effectively counters this problem because it is immune to corrosion. Basalt Rebar is an outstanding product for concrete reinforcement.  It weighs 4.5 times less than steel rebar and given that it is 2.5 times stronger  than steel, then its strength to weight ratio is 10 times better, this makes  it far easier to use and less expensive to ship, as steel is expensive  and considerably increases the cost of structure. Basalt Rebar improves the tensile strengths of concrete  in bending and compression The most important thing is that BFRP Rebar provides excellent  anti cracking effect. With steel rebar, too little concrete cove...