BASALT FIBER VS STEEL Composite materials are nowadays successfully replacing steel in construction industry. But among reinforcing fibers, basalt fiber is the product of choice for this application. According to tests and experience, basalt fibers are very flexible, ductile and have a high mechanical strength. Their greatest advantage lies in their stability over time, which makes them suitable for use in different application. A lot of customers asked about the best choice for concrete reinforcement, basalt fiber or steel.This article shows the properties of basalt fiber versus steel fiber and explains which is more effective for concrete reinforcement.In general, Basalt Fiber is significantly stronger than steel fiber. Its durability is superior, and its tensile strength is 2.5 times that of steel. Basalt Fiber contributes to reduction in concrete coverage by 25 – 30%, and its weights 4.5 times less than steel fiber This means you’ll need less manpower to lift and ...